Remove World of Warcraft Forum Ads with Chrome and Privoxy
So, today Blizzard added advertising to the forums.worldofwarcraft.com webpages. Normally I don’t mind dealing with ad revenue on websites, but I’m already paying them $15 a month for their game. Over four years of WoW subscription, three convention tickets, and two copies of the game and two expansions means well over $1000 that they […]
Obukan 2008 Interdojo Taikai
A couple weekends ago, we had an inter-dojo Taikai tournament for a friendly competition between Portland area kendo clubs, with a few people who travelled all the way from Idaho and Washington. Less than half of the turnout was from Obukan, so we had a lot of guests and a lot of fun. The […]
Adventures in Northrend
Circus Circus Since midnight of the 13th most of my non-sleeping, non-working hours have gone into playing ‘Wrath of the Lich King’. On last thursday, my impression of the game was somewhat nonplussed, mainly because the quest grind brings out a jealous competition in everyone. Everyone is racing each other for that quest kill, or […]
BlizzCon 2008 Swagbag
To my surprise, I apparently booked a room at the ‘Marriott SUITES Anaheim’, not the ‘Marriott Anaheim’. The suites are like a mile south of the convention center. The room is nice enough, and I met up with Thar from the Stonecutters, along with his brother. We were met by the other rogue in our […]
BlizzCon HO
I’m on my way to Anaheim, California for BlizzCon 2008! Still sitting in the PDX airport at the moment. Loose pictures will be uploaded to http://picasaweb.google.com/rtfmkthx
Holy Thunderforks!
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3YF6p2EBlo[/youtube]Last thursday we were wiping repeatedly on Archimonde in Mt. Hyjal, and for the most part I just wanted to go to bed. After Hurte sniped me with some Dragonforce lyrics ‘through the fire and flames’ (the bossfight involves avoiding just that) I ended up on youtube and stumbled across this video. It’s a ‘misheard […]
Down Down Down
Stock market down something like 700 points on news that nobody in Congress wants their unpopular political hot potato bailout on their heads during an election cycle. I’ve personally lost about $65 today out of my paultry IRA & 401k accounts. Maybe if I had more investments, I would be feeling something other than schadenfruede. […]
Dead Space Videos
Mim linked me some videos from a sci-fi game coming out this Halloween called ‘Dead Space‘. I am totally not playing this game, because I am far too wuss for the survival horror genre. I never played Doom 3 and I was traumatized as a young child by Space Hulk, but if you’re into […]
Dragon Age Videos
The September BioWare newsletter came out yesterday, and it doesn’t have too much to read, but there is a link to some updated video on the Dragon Age website. I had previously kind of written off Dragon Age as another overly bump-mapped single player fanatasy after the E3 video earlier this year; however the ‘Origins’ […]
Attack of the Word Press
After two months of dragging my feet, the wordpress squid.org is out the gate here. My company has been in the process of transitioning servers and sites from our Seattle network operations center down to Portland where we have lower expenses and better control over support. Squid.org was the first site to make the transition, […]