So, heh. It’s been some time since I last updated. (as usual)
What’s new? Covenant came to town with Melotron and played a great show at the Paris Theater. I recently upgraded my motherboard to something ABit, and I no longer have random memory lockups. I mention these two items because two years ago was apparently both the last time Covenant showed up, and the last time I upgraded my motherboard. Weird coincidence.
As far as things on the gaming front are going, I have been kinda all over the place lately. I’ve been playing Planetside with The Black Widow Company.
Also, this friday I got bitten with the strange urge to play DaoC again, and I managed to make it to EBX 5 minutes before the mall closed. I gave my old character (Cob, lvl 50 shadowblade) away a month or so ago to a guildmate, and it’s really eerie weird to be in a discussion with your ex-character. It’s like they came alive with a life of their own. With the recent game changes to Midgard, I don’t really miss playing my SB. Focusing on a runecarver(Coblin, lvl 19 as of this writing). 😀
Also, as Crystal mentioned earlier we got a dog. I still don’t have a picture scanned. It is a tiny “brindel” (black/brown) pomeranian. (pronounced pomer-alien) Overall, a decently behaved mutt despite some earlier carpet problems. Dog’s name is “DJ” (short for “Designer Jeans”) — we didn’t name it, we bought the dog already 2 years old from the black market.
I have also just finished up another term of Printmaking at Portland State and I’m very happy with my portfolio from this (and last) term. I’m going to try and do some more printing this summer so I don’t waste it. Scans of artwork still pending.
Work has been busy, Rightline, our parent company’s website will be launching soon and I’m fairly excited about some of the tables and forms I’ve been working on for it. Cheers!
Almost forgot, I have installed Legend of the Green Dragon on this website, a remake of the old LORD BBS game. I’ve also installed Black Nova Traders a tradewars 2000 ripoff, but I haven’t been playing that one. LOGD has been seeing lots of bloodthirsty action however. 🙂
Almost, almost forgot, the RPG tool got some updates on friday! Mostly I’ve been converting the .ELE templates from the “name gen” over into the tablemaker .tab format that it uses.
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