Development Status Supported Tilesets: NWN has announced that they will be supporting the following tilesets on release. Further initial development will be pretty much restricted to areas that can be covered by the given tilesets. Since we have a lot of desert, mountains and swamp this will eliminate a large number of our areas. Also since many of the forests are coniferous, not deciduous like the NWN forests in the screenshots, many of the forests will most likely have to be revamped when an appropriate forest tileset comes out. It would also be nice to have some height transitions in the forest, but oh well. :) Multi-Height Tilesets (includes
height transitions, bodies of water, buildings, curtain walls, bridges,
docks, impassables, and other set-specific features): Single-Height Tilesets (includes
a variety of passable and impassable tiles suitable to its theme):
*Gesture is the write-up and description, Bone is basic mapping, Flesh is monsters/items/scripting.